Visual studio 2012编译Tbb40关于std::Copy_exception的错误解决

news/2024/7/5 23:55:15 标签: exception, login, express, microsoft, include, header


d:\tbb40_20120613oss\include\tbb\tbb_exception.h(357) : error C2039: “copy_exception”: 不是“std”的成员
d:\tbb40_20120613oss\include\tbb\tbb_exception.h(357) : error C3861: “copy_exception”: 找不到标识符




Visual Studio 2012

I'm trying out the release candidate of Visual Studio 2012. tbb_exception.h does not compile due to use of std::copy_exception(). I'm having a hard time finding any info on this method. Is it really part of the std namespace? Will VS2012 be supported soon?

header thread-col" width="30%" align="left">Vladimir Polin (Intel)header thread-col" width="30%" align="left">June 8, 2012 11:28 PM PDTheader last-post-title" width="20%">
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header last-post-date" width="20%" align="right">#1
Visual Studio 2012

Hello, you are right, 
the issue is the same for clang (, C++x0 std::copy_exception was renamed to std::make_exception_ptr in final version of C++11 standard. So you need to either rename it in the header or define /DTBB_USE_CAPTURED_EXCEPTION=1 to not use exception_ptr like for old compilers.
We are working on how is better to support both cases at once (i.e. vs2010 and vs2012).
thanks for the report
Update - details on the issue:

header thread-col" width="30%" align="left">Sergey Kostrovheader thread-col" width="30%" align="left">June 9, 2012 4:22 PM PDTheader last-post-title" width="20%">
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header last-post-date" width="20%" align="right">#2
Visual Studio 2012

Quoting paul3579
I'm trying out the release candidate of Visual Studio 2012. tbb_exception.h does not compile due to use of std::copy_exception(). I'm having a hard time finding any info on this method. Is it really part of the std namespace?

I just done verifications with different versions/editions of  Visual Studio and MinGW. Here are results:

     - Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition - 'copy_exception' is not supported

     - Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition - 'copy_exception' is not supported

     - Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition - 'copy_exception' is  supported in ' exception' header file

     - MinGW v3.4.2 - 'copy_exception' is not supported

I don't think that Microsoft will remove that support in Visual Studio 2012.



tbb_exception_ptr ( const captured_exception& src ) : my_ptr(std::copy_exception(src)) {}

tbb_exception_ptr ( const captured_exception& src ) : my_ptr(NULL) {}




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